Help for parents struggling to raise their children regardless of the health of your marriage

[ before, during or after a divorce… ]

COPARENTING In All Its Many Forms

I get a lot of calls from parents seeking coparenting help.  Coparenting is a term that gets thrown around a lot.  I Googled it before I wrote this and there are articles on different styles of coparenting and different types of coparenting and different reasons why you need coparenting…blah blah blah…

Whatever your family’s situation is, please know that what I help with is creating peace and harmony within your home.  If you are divorced from your child(ren)’s other parent you might find that laughable – I get it, you’re divorced for a reason.  What I offer is different because this is NOT mediation, this is education.  

CoParenting When You Are Divorced

Ok, so let’s talk about coparenting when you are separated/divorced.

I help you understand the family dynamic from your child’s or teen’s perspective, and thus help you craft house standards (NOT rules) in both homes that create peace, harmony and mutual respect.  

I suggest movies to watch, both with your teens and children and movies for just adults.  I suggest books to read/listen to.  Again, it’s about education and a different way to approach coparenting and the other parent/household.  

CoParenting When You Have An Intact Marriage

What if the family is intact but your nerves are tattered because you and your spouse are SO different re parenting style?  What does coparenting look like then.  Well, my philosophy is that parents have the responsibility to educate their teens and children is such a way that they are able to successfully launch into the world as independent, confident, capable adults.

There are many different ways to accomplish that based on your idea of just what is independence, confidence and success. I help you create mutual respect and appreciation for different perspectives which create different ways of doing the same thing.  When everyone in the home feels heard and seen, peace, calm, harmony and safety are created.  It becomes a home where everyone enjoys being home.